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Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design - IEJMD, ISSN 1538-6414, CODEN IEJMAT
ABSTRACT - Internet Electron. J. Mol. Des. August 2005, Volume 4, Number 8, 579-590

Hydrogen Bond Analysis in DNA and RNA Based on Mulliken Overlap Population
Cezar Bendic
Internet Electron. J. Mol. Des. 2005, 4, 579-590

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Hydrogen bonds belong to the most important interactions in the biopolymer structure. Up to now, due to the dimension of the biopolymers and to the limited computer resources, only geometrical criteria were used to identify possible candidates for an attractive interaction (see the Hbexplore and HBplus programs). We have proposed the Mulliken overlap population (OP) as a quantitative quantum chemical criterion, not only for the identification of possible interactions, but also for the evaluation of their relative strength. An original program SHB_interactions was developed to identify and to analyze intermolecular interactions in biopolymers. Mulliken overlap population values are calculated with the Extended Hückel (EH) method. This method, due to its simplicity, offers the possibility to perform such calculations for a large set of biopolymer structures in a relative short time. The program uses PDB files containing NMR structures, builds a possible interaction table with all the residue pairs that have atoms placed at a distance less than 3.5 Å, cuts off from the structure the corresponding residue pairs, adds hydrogen atoms to satisfy the oxygen and phosphorus valences, and performs EH calculation of the overlap population values. Although SHB_interactions was initially developed for the nucleic acid structures, it can be applied to proteins as well. The application of SHB_interactions is described for the 1g70 structure, an RNA/protein complex of HIV-1 RRE-IIB RNA with the peptide RSG-1.2. A comparison between the results obtained for 1g70 and those obtained using geometrical criteria (HBexplore) was made. 56 DNA and 22 RNA NMR structures from Protein Data Bank have been scanned in order to identify and to analyze the hydrogen bond intermolecular interactions using the OP criterion. Our results show that there is a clear delimitation between H-bond overlap population values when the acceptor is an oxygen atom and those when the acceptor is a nitrogen atom. This is evidence for the capability of the overlap population to make distinction between different H-bond types, and allows comparative analysis of the results for the same type of H-bonds. For classical H-bonds interactions (r > 1.7 Å) the overlap population values are in the range 0.01 - 0.15. The OP criterion allows makes possible the detection of weaker H-bonds. In spite of the limitations of the EH method, the results obtained with SHB_interactions allow a rationalization of the H-bonds in nucleic acids as well as in protein structures. The results obtained outline the capability of the OP criterion to substitute all of the five geometrical parameters used by HBexplore. In addition, the use of the overlap population as a quantum selection criterion presents the advantage to detect not only the weaker H-bonds like C-H…A, but also any other atom-atom intermolecular interactions. The source code for SHB_interactions, written in C, instructions and some examples are available at

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