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Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design - IEJMD, ISSN 1538-6414, CODEN IEJMAT
TABLE OF CONTENTS - December 2005, Volume 4, Number 12
All PDF papers are free to download and print Special issue dedicated to Professor Danail Bonchev on the occasion of the 65th birthday
Support Vector Machines for Prediction of Mechanism of Toxic Action from
Multivariate Classification of Phenols Based on MEDV Descriptors
Zhong-Sheng Yi and Shu-Shen Liu
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 835-849 |
Decarbonylation of 7-Norbornenones. Structural Factors Influencing Activation
Energies of the Transition States in Cheletropic Reactions. An ab initio study
Davor Margetic and Ronald N. Warrener
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 850-861 |
Reaction Rate Assessment of Multiphonon Relaxation
Mladen Georgiev and Alexander Gochev
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 862-881 |
Highly Correlating Distance-Connectivity Based Topological Indices 3:
PCR and PC-ANN Based Prediction of the Octanol-Water Partition
Coefficient of Diverse Organic Molecules
Mojtaba Shamsipur, Raoof Ghavami, Bahram Hemmateenejad, and Hashem Sharghi
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 882-910 |