Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design - IEJMD, ISSN 1538-6414, CODEN IEJMAT
TABLE OF CONTENTS - October 2005, Volume 4, Number 10
All PDF papers are free to download and print Special issue dedicated to Professor Danail Bonchev on the occasion of the 65th birthday
Density Models for Alkanes and Monoderivatives of Hydrocarbons
Chenzhong Cao and Shuo Gao
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 671-697 |
Ab initio Computations for the Ring-Opening Potential of Propylene Oxide:
Roles of a Proton and a Water Molecule
Hiroyuki Shinoda, Michio Sayama, Yoshihiro Mori, and Mineyuki Mizuguchi
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 698-710 |
Antioxidant Activity of Diphenylamine-Related Compounds as Scavengers of Carbon Radicals
Seiichiro Fujisawa, Mariko Ishihara, and Yoshinori Kadoma
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 711-720 |
Study of the Glass Transition Temperatures of Stereoregular
PMMAs Using Different Force Fields
Armand Soldera and Noureddine Metatla
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 721-736 |
A Predictive Model for Blood-Brain Barrier Penetration
Xuchun Fu, Zhifang Song, and Wenquan Liang
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 737-750 |