Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design - IEJMD, ISSN 1538-6414, CODEN IEJMAT
TABLE OF CONTENTS - April 2006, Volume 5, Number 4
All PDF papers are free to download and print Special issue dedicated to Professor Lemont B. Kier on the occasion of the 75th birthday
My Journey Through Structure: The Structure of My Journey
Lemont B. Kier
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 181-191 |
Boiling Points of Alcohols - A Comparative QSPR Study
Dusanka Janezic, Bono Lucic, Sonja Nikolic, Ante Milicevic, and Nenad Trinajstic
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 192-200 |
An Efficient Method for Computing NMR Spectral Densities Involving
Kohlrausch/Williams-Watts Decay Function
Ahmed Bouferguene and Hassan Safouhi
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 201-212 |
Diterpene Skeletal Type Classification and Recognition using Self-Organizing Maps
Vicente de Paulo Emerenciano, Marcus Tullius Scotti, Ricardo Stefani, Sandra A. V. Alvarenga, Jean Marc Nuzillard, and Gilberto V. Rodrigues
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 213-223 |
QSAR Analysis of Indomethacin Derivatives as Selective COX-2 Inhibitors
Hemant Kumar Jain and Ram Kishore Agrawal
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 224-236 |