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Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design - IEJMD, ISSN 1538-6414, CODEN IEJMAT
ABSTRACT - Internet Electron. J. Mol. Des. May 2004, Volume 3, Number 5, 233-240 |
Phase Transitions in 2D Ising Model with Competing Interactions
Vladyslav O. Cheranovskii, Tatyana O. Kuznetsova, and Ilker Ozkan
Internet Electron. J. Mol. Des. 2004, 3, 233-240
2D Ising model with competing interactions describes the
thermodynamic properties of confined complex liquids like
microemulsion films and some compounds of rare-earth metals.
On the other hand there is a close relationship between critical
properties of this model and peculiarities of the energy spectra of
some one-dimensional quantum models. Therefore correct
description of model phase diagram is of wide interest. We have
used the density matrix renormalization group method for
two-dimensional classical systems. A new modification of density
matrix renormalization scheme for 2D Ising model with
competing interactions has been presented. The estimations for
critical temperatures of second order phase transitions in the
model were obtained. 2D Ising model with competing
interactions has a complicated phase diagram and can be
described by means of corresponding version of DMRG method
at least in the vicinity of some critical points.