Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design - IEJMD, ISSN 1538-6414, CODEN IEJMAT
TABLE OF CONTENTS - May 2004, Volume 3, Number 5
All PDF papers are free to download and print Special issue dedicated to Professor Nenad Trinajstic on the occasion of the
65th birthday - Part 11
η5- and η6-Coordinations Revisited:
An ELF Study of Ferrocene and Dibenzenechromium
Gilles Frison and Alain Sevin
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 222-232 |
Phase Transitions in 2D Ising Model with Competing Interactions
Vladyslav O. Cheranovskii, Tatyana O. Kuznetsova, and Ilker Ozkan
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 233-240 |
Computer-Aided Synthesis of Dimerized Eugenol
Seiichiro Fujisawa, Mariko Ishihara, and Ichiro Yokoe
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 241-246 |
Symmetry Groups for the Rumer-Konopel'chenko-Shcherbak
"Bisections" of the Genetic Code and Applications
Tidjani Négadi
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 247-270 |
A New Perturbation-Theoretic Approach to the Rovibronic
Transition Matrix Elements of Diatomics
Mahmoud Korek and Bassam Hamdoun
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 271-286 |
A Surface-Based DNA Computing for the Simple 0-1 Programming Problem
Zhi-xiang Yin, Jia-xiu Zhang, and Jin Xu
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 287-294 |