Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design - IEJMD, ISSN 1538-6414, CODEN IEJMAT
TABLE OF CONTENTS - June 2004, Volume 3, Number 6
All PDF papers are free to download and print Special issue dedicated to Professor Nenad Trinajstic on the occasion of the
65th birthday - Part 12
Molecular Modeling of c2h2 Zinc Finger Mutation of Putative Human
Transcription Factor SALL4
Vladimír Frecer, Jan Miertus, Wiktor Borozdin, Jürgen Kohlhase, Antonio Amoroso, and Stanislav Miertus
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 295-307 |
A Density Functional Theory Study on the Role of Electronic Properties
in the Antioxidant Activity of the Ajoene Molecule
Agnaldo Arroio, Káthia M. Honório, Paula Homem-de-Mello, Karen C. Weber, and Albérico B. F. da Silva
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 308-315 |
Quantitative Structure-Electrochemistry Relationship Study
of Some Organic Compounds Using PC-ANN and PCR
Bahram Hemmateenejad and Mojtaba Shamsipur
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 316-334 |
The Branching Number of a Molecular Graph
Qian-Nan Hu and Yi-Zeng Liang
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 335-349 |
An Information-Theoretical Measure of Similarity and a Topological Shape
and Size Descriptor for Molecular Similarity Analysis
Chandan Raychaudhury and Indira Ghosh
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 350-360 |
Identifying the Largest Common Substructure of RNA Structures
Bo Liao and Tian-ming Wang
Abstract and PDF Paper
| 361-367 |