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Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design - IEJMD, ISSN 1538-6414, CODEN IEJMAT
ABSTRACT - Internet Electron. J. Mol. Des. November 2004, Volume 3, Number 11, 720-727 |
The Interaction of Simple Adsorbates with TiNi Surfaces
Svetlana Kulkova, Dmitriy Chudinov, Sergey Eremeev, and Sergey Kulkov
Internet Electron. J. Mol. Des. 2004, 3, 720-727
We present an ab initio investigation of the surface electronic
structure of B2-TiNi (001) and (110) thin films with adsorbed
hydrogen atoms and with Pd coating. This study can be useful
for understanding of electron factors which are responsible for
hydrogen adsorption on metal surface and allow to increase
surface reactivity by alloying. The computations were made with
the full potential linearized augmented plain wave method. We
have used the software WIEN2k, The
adsorption and binding energies are calculated when hydrogen
adsorbs on the TiNi or TiFe (001) surface in the "hollow"
position. The influence of Pd coating on the surface (001) and
(110) electronic structure is discussed. The change of the local
electronic structure in the presence of Pd is analyzed in
dependence on interfacial atoms or Pd place on the surface. The
hydrogen adsorption is preferable on Ti-terminated B2-TiNi
(001) surface as in the case of B2-TiFe (001). It is shown that Pd
influences the surface ES significantly when Ni is interfacial
atom in the case (001) surface or Pd locates above Ni on TiNi
(110). Since Pd coating is well permeable for hydrogen the
adsorption properties of Pd-covered and clean TiNi (110) can be
the same. The interaction between the H orbitals and the metal d-states
depends strongly on the adsorption geometry. The present
results are very important for understanding of microscopic
origin of the metal alloys surface reactivity. The calculations
allow to predict the preferable surface orientation and its composition.